[dev] Slovenian translation of IMP

Anil Madhavapeddy anil@recoil.org
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 23:07:06 +0000

Quoting Renato Rjavec <renato@kizej.net>:

> Here is my contribution to the Horde/IMP project. I finally managed
> to completely translate IMP (version 2.2.3) into Slovenian language.

Thanks for taking the trouble to do this Renato!  I've added it to
the stable CVS branch, so it'll be part of IMP 2.2.4

Pardon my ignorance, but are Slovenkso (sl) and Slovensky (sk)
very different languages?  I wasn't sure if we had overlap, as some
of the words were similar, but sufficiently varied that I decided
that they weren't the same language ;)

> PS: there is also a Slovenian Ispell dictionary available at
> ftp://ftp.e5.ijs.si/pub/ispell/slovensko.tar.gz contributed by Marjan
> Savli. It works perfectly with IMP's Spell check.

I've made the ispell option as follows:

$default->ispell_lang['sl'] = '-d slovensko';

which should be ok.

Anil Madhavapeddy, <anil@recoil.org>