Call to undefined function: send()

Michael Bull
Thu, 04 Jan 2001 17:06:32 -0500

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If I'm running the current cvs, downloading attachments works, but I get 
the following error message after I click on send:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: send() in 
/home/httpd/ on line 681

I get this on an older CVS as well.   This is with PHP 4.0.5 dev from this 
afternoon (and all of 5 minutes ago).

If I switch back to PHP4.0.4 stable, and run 'make install'... the problem 
goes away, but downloading attachments in 2.3-latest-cvs does not work 
(reports a missing index I traced back to the mime type handling on line 53 
of view.php).  If I go back to the latest version and run "make install" 
the problem re-appears.

This would appear to be a PEAR problem, but I've got no idea what it would 
be.  I wouldn't think it would be a path problem, as the make install puts 
things right, and I do have the location of the pear libraries in the path 
anyways... unless anyone has any ideas -- I know there is a lot of pear 
expertise on this list -- where would be the best place to go get help 
solving this bug, if you feel it would be with PHP?


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