solving back button / page from post problems

Michael Bull
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 17:16:40 -0500

At 04:30 PM 10/01/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Quoting Jon Parise <>:
> > I think the better solution might be to allow the values entered on
> > the login screen to simply override the user's preferences.
>I agree. How about an "Override Preferences" checkbox on the login screen?

While we're discussing the login screen, I'd like to suggest the login code 
submit to remote_login.php, instead of mailbox.php.   This solves the 
problem where after logging in, clicking on a message and clicking back, 
that one gets a "page expired error".

(If the browser doesn't think mailbox.php is created from a post, which we 
avoid by posting to remote_login.php and letting it establish the session 
and redirect, then things work much nicer.)

SquirrelMail added a redirect.php to solve the similar problem with their 
project; I just clued in that our remote_login code was the same animal.  :)