[dev] PHP 4.0.5

C. R. Oldham cro@nca.asu.edu
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 15:49:03 -0700

Rick Stevens wrote:

> build one via the "buildconfig" script.  That burps, however
> (something gets included AFTER the thing that needs it),

You might try the previous night's snapshot from http://snaps.php.net/.
It does not need a buildconf.  I did a 'cvs update' earlier this morning
and buildconf did not choke.  This is Debian Linux 2.2 (Potato).

> Has anyone else run into this or am I suffering from cranial-anal
> insertion syndrom?  Should I let php.net know?

Probably not.  Someone probably has already caught it.

  / C. R. (Charles) Oldham | NCA Commission on Schools    \
 / Director of Technology  | Arizona State University      \
/ cro@nca.asu.edu          | V:480-965-8703  F:480-965-9423 \