Michael Bull
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 10:09:00 -0500
Just been doing some testing this morning, and I'm finding that return
receipts is not working. I did some searching on the listserv, and this is
the most recent related comment that I've found on the subject:
At 10:21 PM 18/11/2000 -0500, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>Quoting Clive McDowell <>:
> > > This is an SMTP extension (RFC1891) - you can't trigger it with
> > > anything in the message.
> >
> > More specifically, you need to set the -N option on your sendmail
> > command line. Not sure about other mta software.
>Okay - we could theoretically add support for this to the PEAR Mail::
>but do enough people use/want them for it to be worth it?
Just so I'm clear... is this to mean then that under the current
implementation, the return reciepts can't work? Or has this been changed?
(If it's known to be broken, that's okay... :))