[cvs] commit: chora index.php chora/lib CVSLib.php ...
Anil Madhavapeddy
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 21:21:33 +0000
Quoting chuck@horde.org:
> add config file checking to Chora, along with some other horde standard
> stuff - CHORA_NAME constant, etc. Anil, should there be a lib/Chora.php
> for some of this?
Yup, there should be; I'll move the const defines over into it this weekend.
> Also, the config is missing some common things like
> $conf['paths']['root'] - is this something you can look into at some
> point?
Hmm, we don't actually need $conf['paths']['root'], because of the
use of SCRIPT_NAME . This would actually be the case for IMP as well;
do we really need to define it?
Anil Madhavapeddy, <anil@recoil.org>