[dev] FreeBSD package?

Jon Parise jon@csh.rit.edu
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 14:43:07 -0500

On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 11:13:38PM -0500, Rich Lafferty wrote:

> While I'm at it, does anyone know about similar with FreeBSD and
> OpenBSD? I vaguely recall FreeBSD not having a port for the same
> reason. :-/

I was going to put together a FreeBSD port a while back, but I haven't
found the time to work on it.  If someone else thinks they can get to
it sooner, please do.

Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Rochester Inst. of Technology
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member

>From anil@recoil.org Date: Sun,  4 Feb 2001 19:59:59 +0000
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Subject: Re: [dev] FreeBSD package?

Quoting Rich Lafferty <rich@horde.org>:

> The problem, apparently, is making sure that PHP is compiled with the
> proper options. (I hope that makes you go "Oh! Right!" because I'm not
> sure offhand exactly what the scope of the problem is.) In other
> words, dependency tree weirdness.

Yeah, OpenBSD is a bit different in this, since the ports tree has something
called 'flavors', which allow a single php4 port, with a number of options
passed to it, that create a unique package (php4-4.0.4pl1-mysql-imap-gettext
for example).

Flavour dependencies don't yet work, but it's easy to detect what flavour
is installed, and throw up a post-install warning if the required modules
aren't present.

FreeBSD and NetBSD will be harder, I suspect, since they don't really have
this mechanism (free in particular, is quite a mess wrt PHP ports last I looked)

Anil Madhavapeddy, <anil@recoil.org>