[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: chora diff.php chora/config ...

Rich Lafferty rich@horde.org
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 20:29:43 -0500

On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 01:22:36AM +0000, Anil Madhavapeddy (anil@recoil.org) wrote:
> Quoting chuck@horde.org:
> > Okay... any progress on this? Any ideas on a sane way to do a browser detect
> > in css.php and modify font sizes accordingly?
> > 
> And its pretty clear about using 'px' over 'pt'.  I'm wondering
> about the wisdom of trying to get NS4/X11 to actually work
> correctly.

Agreed. The main reason why it's not worth fighting is because the
tiny-font problem in NS4/X11 is caused by Netscape using 75dpi fonts
but calculating for 100dpi in the first place, something that you
can't detect. So, those that have figured this out and fixed Netscape
to DTRT will end up with *large* fonts if you try to special-case it.

If we want a "Font sizes are screwy in NS4/X11" entry in the User FAQ,
I'll dig up my X resources and stick 'em in; seems this is pretty

(Netscape X resources are *handy*. I can type >1 word into the
Location bar and be taken to the Google "Feeling Lucky" result, the
"Search" button takes me to Google, the "Destinations" button to
Babelfish, the shopping button is gone, netscape never <blinks>, and
the netscape logo stops the current page from loading as Bob
intended. Whee! It's frustrating to use Netscape outside of X, now.)


------------------------------ Rich Lafferty ---------------------------
 Sysadmin/Programmer, Instructional and Information Technology Services
   Concordia University, Montreal, QC                 (514) 848-7625
------------------------- rich@alcor.concordia.ca ----------------------