[dev] Horde 1.3.x module frame

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 11:10:44 -0500

Quoting "Brent J. Nordquist" <bjn@horde.org>:

> > Correct. Changing the logout url to a generic "horde" link or
> > something
> ...that still deregisters the session (logs you out)?...

That takes you to a page where you can log out? I was thinking a 
generic "horde" link which would give you the login page if you weren't logged 
in, and a status + logout page if you were...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"We have no fuel on board, plus or minus 8 kilograms." -A NASA scientist