[dev] showing images inline

Jon Parise jon@csh.rit.edu
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 15:28:45 -0500

On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:05:06PM -0500, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Done, along with a few other MIME system cleanups... There's tons
> more to do in this area; I'm fairly unhappy with the way view
> functions live in mimetypes.lib right now. If at all possible, I'd
> like the view functions to become fairly generic and move into
> Horde, so that Gollem and Chora can use them too...

Sounds like a plan.  Any chance of them making it up to the PEAR

Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Rochester Inst. of Technology
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member

>From chuck@horde.org Date: Thu,  1 Mar 2001 15:34:20 -0500
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Subject: Re: [dev] showing images inline

Quoting Jon Parise <jon@csh.rit.edu>:

> Sounds like a plan.  Any chance of them making it up to the PEAR
> level?

I have mixed thoughts on that, but I'm not sure enough people will want the API 
I have in mind, and I don't know if it'll be seperate enough from the Horde 
framework to make it worth it.

Also, I've kind of been thinking lately that the more stuff we rely on in PEAR, 
the more we're susceptible to version mismatches.



Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"We have no fuel on board, plus or minus 8 kilograms." -A NASA scientist