[dev] I/O hammering (was: imp folder prefix)

Egan egan@sevenkings.net
Wed, 30 May 2001 16:28:38 -0400

On Wed, 30 May 2001 15:49:40 -0400, Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>

>> So it seems to me, an enhanced imap_fetch_overview is what we need.
>I already patched it to return To: information, which is everything that we 
>need for building the message list except for whether or not the message has 
>any attachments.

Anil said:

>we imap_fetchstructure() to determine what icon to put in beside the

Is that the same as what you mean by "whether the message has
attachments"?  Please help me understand this ... the trace showed:


Presumably, imap_fetchstructure() generated this.  Then IMAPd replied:

        "US-ASCII" NIL NIL "8BIT" 1246 53 NIL NIL NIL) FLAGS (\Seen))

Is this being used to determine whether the message has attachments?

>there doesn't seem to be an efficient way to get that out of c-
>client ... If you've got ideas for php_imap.c, I'm happy to hear them

It looks like the only c-client interaction is the BODYSTRUCTURE
string in the FETCH request.  Can't imap_fetchstructure ask for that
too, if we modify it?

>I'm nominally the maintainer of the IMAP extension.

