[dev] Latest Horde + Imp
Ed Stafford
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 13:59:06 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
To: <dev@lists.horde.org>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: [dev] Latest Horde + Imp
> Quoting Ed Stafford <ed@mem.net>:
> > Open source projects thrive off of their mailing lists, as this is where
> > many people will come to ask questions that they haven't been able to
get an
> > answer to in an FAQ or the like. To greet people in the way that I've
> > on my initial posts (vague as they may have seemed), does not bode well
> > the future acceptance of this project. If others are treated in the
> > manner, they may also find other projects to use in place of Horde and
> > hate to see this much work go down the tubes. So far, it's a very
> > product and I'm liking the direction that it is going. Please, just be
> > little more patient with others in the future.
> I asked you for more details, and will do my best to help out as soon as
> there's enough information to go on. I simply said that it would be easier
> people to respond in a helpful way to you if the overtones - not
> overtones - that I read in your message weren't there. Sentences like "Is
> something going on with this project, or am I missing something" and "Are
> supposed to be totally non-functional?" have those overtones. You may not
> meant it that way, and I tried not to accuse you of meaning it that way.
> nevertheless, the overtones are there, and make it harder to enjoy the
> time that I put into all of these projects.
Ahhhhhh..... I see now why so many got upset. Don't think "Smart-*** geek",
think completely confused individual. Context is important, but I should
have been a little more descriptive in my statements. As long as you
understand that I meant no offense and was not looking to direct any
hostility toward any member(s) of this project. Like I said. I really like
the looks of IMP and will probably end up contributing some to the project
as I see a few things I'd like to add. Kudos to those who have worked so
hard. I was not happy with the earlier version that is being run here, but
the newer is definately sweet and more like what our customers needed to