[dev] Latest Horde + Imp

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 15:22:03 -0400

Quoting Ed Stafford <ed@mem.net>:

> Ahhhhhh..... I see now why so many got upset.  Don't think "Smart-*** geek",
> think completely confused individual.  Context is important, but I should
> have been a little more descriptive in my statements.  As long as you
> understand that I meant no offense and was not looking to direct any
> hostility toward any member(s) of this project.  Like I said.  I really like
> the looks of IMP and will probably end up contributing some to the project
> as I see a few things I'd like to add.  Kudos to those who have worked so
> hard.  I was not happy with the earlier version that is being run here, but
> the newer is definately sweet and more like what our customers needed to
> see.

No hard feelings all around, then. I look forward to you contributing!


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.