[dev] Solution and Explanation

René Jensen lundeman@tbkol.dk
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 23:38:46 +0200

> > I got this modification from the June archives.  I was curious if there
> > anywhere that lists many of the possibilities for this array() for using
> > / FTP / etc. for this configuration.
> Have a look at the files in the horde/lib/Auth/ directory.  There
> isn't much actual documentation at this point, but the code is
> pretty readable.

Hmm.. OK.. admitted I haven't look much at the dev-code but it sems that a
lot of people is having problems with this part (by all the questions on
this list). It also seems that this would be solved by some commentlines in
the config-file. Maybe it would be a good idea to put these lines in..??

Btw: Can't wait to get my hands on a testmachine so that I can try these new
versions of Horde/IMP/Turba out.
(unfortunately I can't risk messing with Apache/and PHP on my
productionserver right now, and they both need upgrading)

Keep up the good work..!!

               (@ @)
If you have to get used to it...
           ...it's not good enough.
            René Jensen