Max Kalika
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 10:29:38 -0700
First of all, let me say that this feature is seriosly nifty! :-)
I have a few ideas/suggestions/requests:
1) Fill in the blanks when the identity is chosen from the drop-down list via
onchange (elimintating the need for the "edit" button)
2) Change "New" to "Reset"?
3) Maybe change the "save" button to "Create" and when an identity is chosen,
change the label on it to "Update" via javascript -- similar to how the filters
UI works.
4) Is there a need for two "Back" buttons?
Thats all for now...looking forward to choosing my indentity on the compose
screen. :-)
/// max kalika
"and after a while you'll stop making computers out of stuff and start making
stuff out of computers" -- douglas adams 4/5/01