[dev] login.inc

mailling@bigfoot.com mailling@bigfoot.com
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 00:01:23 -0500

ok, I took a look, there is a lot of work...
maybe more than 40 files to change.

So before, I want to be sure about:
- where do we have to put the .js file? /lib/js/ *.js or /templates/../js/ 
*.js ??
- is it true that every pages that are loaded comes from this url: horde/ 
for horde
imp/ for imp, and not deeper?
- about the name. Rigth now, it seems easy to keep the same name than the 
template for the .js file. Everybody agrees?
- to finish, I don't have the old version of horde to make the diff. Can I 
send everything (a zip file) to somebody?

At 15:31 7/17/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Quoting mailling@bigfoot.com:
> > Is it possible to put all the javascript code into a .js file? I think it
> > would be better for the cache, since the .js file doesn't need to be
> > reloaded all the time?
>This is something that'd be great to do, if you have time to go through 
>diffs. Also, we can have a javascript.php file that can be used to produce 
>files that need to fill in conf settings, paths, etc.
>If you're willing to send the diffs in, that'd be great...
>Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
>Some fallen angels have their good reasons.
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