registry question
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 20:24:24 -0500

In the login/ file - from the login.php screen, we do that - see 
the end of the file:
  echo '<td valign="top">' . $registry->callByPackage($app, 
'horde/summary') . '</td>';

now, let's say there is a problem in callByPackage, we do that:
             return PEAR::raiseError('The method "' . $method . '" is not 
defined in the Horde registry,');

the problem is that PEAR::raiseError returns an object (that is the case in 
the last version at least)
So if there is an error, we shown on the screen the string: 'Object'

To avoid that, either we change callByPackage or we have to adapt
