default web & graphics root

Sat, 4 Aug 2001 06:35:27 -0700 (PDT)

i just grabbed a fresh copy of horde/imp et al HEAD from cvs, not overwriting
anything prior, and am i missing something or have certain variables
disappeared?  particularly, looking through registry.php (which btw, is real
nice, this code just gets nicer and easier to use, modify, and understand every
time i look at it) and there doesn't seem to be an option for default webroot
or default  graphicsroot, that it had to be hardcoded for each app.  (i thought
this used to be in horde.php, but didn't see it in there either.)

i'd submit a patch, but i'm not up to speed on naming convention, so it would
get changed anyway, but is there any reason we can't add these variables to
this file, and wrap the webroot & icon vars in double quotes?
that way, if you have a different webroot for everything (as i would think
would be fairly common), you only have to change one line, but if you have your
apps scattered about, you can still hard set them to any path you want.

Gabriel Wilkins

Cosmic evolution is ominscient God comprehensively articulate.
    -R. Buckminster Fuller

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