[dev] The Identity Name and the User name may be inverted.

Edwin Culp eculp@EnContacto.Net
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 06:33:23 -0700

IMO, it's not intuitive, but I must agree Atif's logic.  After you know what is
happening, it doesn't annoy you anymore.  Many may never even notice:-)


BTW, I have certainly become attached to it.  It is a GREAT feature.  Thanks!

Quoting Jan Schneider <janmailing@gmx.de>:

| Zitat von Atif <aghaffar@developer.ch>:
| > Max Kalika wrote:
| > > Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@EnContacto.Net>:
| > > 
| > > 
| > >>I think this can be disregarded with one comment.  The email was sent
| > >>correctly. What I see in the from line isn't what is being sent.  No
| > problem
| > >>now that I know what I'm to expect.
| > >>
| > > 
| > > This threw me off at first too.  Maybe the full name should be used
| instead
| > of 
| > > identity name in the drop-down list?  Jan?
| > 
| > 
| > No, please not.
| > Please use Identity name or
| > Fullname (Identity name)  or
| > Fullname <emailaddress> (Identitity name)
| > 
| > 
| > I have similar problems with Mozilla Mail client.
| > I have two identitities for two accounts/identities.
| > WorkMail and PrivateMail.
| > 
| > Both acconts have same Full Name and same Email Address (They have 
| > different Reply-To: addresses) and a different singnature.
| > 
| > So In my Identity list (Mozilla Mail), I see
| > Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar@developer.ch>
| > Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar@developer.ch>
| Thats actually the reason why I changed the displayed value from fullname 
| <email> to indentity <email>.
| But you are right: This is somehow irritating. I'm not clear what would be
| the 
| best combination to display. As Atif made clear it's important to see the 
| identity name. I think the email address is important as well. But how can we
| display it to make sure that it's not misunderstandable. 
| What about: Emailaddress (Identity) ?
| Jan.
| -- 
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