[cvs] commit: horde/docs CHANGES horde/lib Horde.php turba/lib Driver.php Source.php turba/lib/Driver sql.php

Jan Schneider janmailing@gmx.de
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 14:49:49 +0200

I think it makes sense to use such a fatal() function if something is wrong 
with the setup, like a missing driver like in Driver.php and Source.php. OTOH 
this is something we may perhaps report better in notconfigured.inc.

I think it doesn't make sense in the case of sql.php where the failed connect 
may be caused by an temporarily inaccessible sql server. I think it would be 
better to report this error to the user but still let him use the application. 
Your fatal error screen would him leave alone with this message. Turba is a 
good example for this case because you may have different sources configured 
but if one is inaccessible you still could use the other ones.


Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> chuck       2001/08/22 08:06:06 PDT
>   Modified files:
>     docs                 CHANGES 
>     lib                  Horde.php 
>     lib                  Driver.php Source.php 
>     lib/Driver           sql.php 
>   Log:
>   Add Horde::fatal() for displaying fatal errors to the user, and use it in
> a
>   bit of Turba in places where there are connection errors, etc. What do
>   people think of this - should we start using it in more places?
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.188     +1 -0      horde/docs/CHANGES
>   1.106     +49 -3     horde/lib/Horde.php
>   1.22      +3 -23     turba/lib/Driver.php
>   1.31      +3 -17     turba/lib/Source.php
>   1.9       +6 -2      turba/lib/Driver/sql.php

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