Problem with pushApp()

Jan Schneider
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 12:19:56 +0200

We have a rather huge problem with the current design of the registry method 
pushApp() as for example called by callByPackage().

If you push an application to the registry stack the application's base.php 
files are include_once'd. This is of course correct otherwise we would have 
multiple class declarations. But as base.php not only loads the applications's 
class files but also the applications confs and prefs, this has the side effect 
that you currently can't push an application twice.

You can see that effect if you tell kronolith to display due tasks in the 
calendar and go to the summary screen. Kronolith tries to push Nag on the stack 
for each day shown in the summary. Actually this does only work for the first 
day - the other days get the wrong pref scope. Anyway, when Nag has its turn it 
also tries to push itself on the stack but that fails partly because the prefs 
can't be loaded again.

The only thing I can think of would be to move the conf and pref loading from 
the applications' base files to the registry.

Any thoughts?


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