[dev] Re: [cvs] cvs commit: imp/lib Folder.php

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:06:45 +0100

Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@ammma.de>:
> >   Show an indented folder structure in the drop down menus and let
> >   getDelimiter() really return the delimiter.
> This doesn't work here; I'm guessing that it's because you're expecting to
> find
> parent folders in the list, but with UW, they're not there (ie, I have
> 'dev/horde' and 'dev/imp', but not just 'dev').

I changed the code (I really don't know why I made is so complicated) but have 
no other imap server than my own to test.

The new code depends on Folder::getDelimiter to work properly. So if it doesn't 
work for your imap server, try to fix this one.


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