More questions :) RE: [dev] Some functionality and tweaking quest ions

Scott Singleton
Fri, 2 Nov 2001 11:50:55 -0500

Awesome guys.. have gotten this taken care of.

Next question, and I don't know whether imp handles this or if it's on the
chopping block for future releases but I need the system to handle the
following mail header tags:


If these aren't currently handled would be more than happy to put them in.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Singleton []
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 9:52 AM
To: ''
Subject: [dev] Some functionality and tweaking questions

Guys, I'm fairly new at PHP and working with the Horde Template.  My primary
job is as a windows based programmer in ASP, Java, VB, VC and FoxPro so I
have limited experience working with linux platforms.

I've setup a dev version of the complete horde application suite and want to
know if this board is where I can ask questions about the horde framework
and coding standards?  

Also, if I make these changes they'll be overwritten the next time I do a
CVS read right?

Here are some things I'm working on.

1. When in imp, display the current profile full name somewhere on the
screen so we can tell what user is online.  IE something like:  INBOX
[refresh icon] [Filter icon] For: [User Fullname] 

There's nowhere on the IMP screen that displays what account is currently in
use at all.

2. Display the 'logout' icon in All horde applications, not just imp.  IE,
when a user uses the application menu to move from imp to say nag, the
logout option disapears.

3. The ability to create a turba record (if turba's installed) from within
Imp. IE, display some sort of 'add as contact' button when reviewing
someone's email.

4. The ability to use turba to lookup records when composing emails.


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Subject: Re: [dev] More questions :) RE: [dev] Some functionality and tweaking quest ions

Quoting Scott Singleton <>:

> Next question, and I don't know whether imp handles this or if it's on the
> chopping block for future releases but I need the system to handle the
> following mail header tags:
> X-Priority:
> Sensitivity:
> Importance:
> Expiry-Date:

Right now the header parsing code that we use is built in to php, and thus c-
client, and isn't too flexible. It should be possible to fetch the raw headers 
(imap_fetchheader() ) and parse them in php-space without too much of a 
performance penalty when actually viewing messages. Doing it in the mailbox 
view would be prohibitive, though, without changing the php/c-client layer.

What exactly do you mean by "handle"?


Charles Hagenbuch, <>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin