[dev] Time/billing system

Scott Singleton scott@beacon-inc.com
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 13:15:51 -0500

I'd like to start small but I'm creating this to handle specific needs
within our company.  Not only will it include timesheet entry (simple button
based UI), but also projects and project management.  

I'm sure it will start small, but unfortunately the most logical place to
start is with the project management portion rather than the time entry.
IMHO the project/client is the root of the data structure rather than the
billing / time entry.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Schneider [mailto:jan@horde.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 11:01 AM
To: dev@lists.horde.org
Subject: RE: [dev] Time/billing system

Zitat von Mike Coughlan <mcoughlan@gothambroadband.com>:

> Hi Jan,
> > I agree that the great problem with time tracking software is that
> users
> > forget to track there time. We used achievo here in my company but
> it's
> > quite dead now because people doesn't use it actually.
> Great, then would you also agree that a good and convient UI is one of
> the
> most important requirements?

Yes, of course. That was something that impressed me most when I came to 
the Horde Project: The nice and useable ui.

> > This is why I like the way time tracking is handled by PHProjekt
> > (http://www.phprojekt.com). I had the chance to be at a
> > presentation of the
> > author on the php concference.
> Maybe it's just what I am used to, but I still prefer the interface of
> journyX.  The concept of entering begining and ending times is
> unfriendly
> and without value, unless we want report on what time of day people are
> working on things.

Perhaps it was unclear: You don't have to enter any time there. You just 
click a button when you come to work, leave for lunch, come back from lunch 
and going home.

> > We agreed in the Horde team that we have to put more focus on
> > group support
> > e.g. group calendars. If we can get Horde so far that is becomes the
> main
> > tool while in office (as replacement for Outlook/Exchange or
> > similar tools)
> > the chances are that users actually will use the time tracking
> feature.
> I disagree - there is strong demand right now for a timesheet tool

I think all Horde apps just started with providing a small set of features 
and growed from there to what they are now. So why not just start a small 
timesheet tool the plugs into the horde framework and see where it will go 

> > But time tracking doesn't make much sense without project
> > assingment. So a project manager should also be discussed here and kept
> in
> mind to be
> > implemented as a Horde module.
> Why do you say this? I would not try to assist companies on their work
> flow,
> process, or ticketing yet.  These can be sacred areas, difficult to
> penetrate.

A project management can also grow and I think we already have some tools 
that could provide a lot of features to such a module: Nag for todo items, 
Whups for trouble tickets, Kronolith for time lines/due dates and the 
fourthcoming timesheet for time tracking.
Btw: The first step should be to find a nice horde like name. :-)

> I strongly reccomend an intial implementation that simply accepts hours
> and
> allows privlidged users to report on them every which way under the sun
> to
> make important financial decisions.

> Again, I would not focus on the project manager as the customer, but
> rather
> the accountants. They are the ones who read the data, and they could
> care
> less about task assignment.

> I would also suggest that we look at commercial systems for ideas, and
> not
> opensource code.  I will attempt to install the JournyX demo in our DMZ. 
> It
> seems to me that some of the base Kronolith code may be recycled for a
> interface that is similar.


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Subject: Re: [dev] Translation to swedish

Zitat von Andreas Dahlén <andreas@dahlen.ws>:

> Hello!
> I've working on translateing Horde and IMP to swedish, but I can't 
> get it to work.  I followed the instructions in the po/README;
> * run xgettext.sh in po
> * rename messages.po to sv.po
> * Update the header and translate
> * make install (no error messages)
> * Verified that locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/horde.mo (and imp.mo) where
>   created.
> * Added a new line to horde/config/lang.php
>   $nls['languages']['sv'] = 'Svenska';
> When I choose 'Svenska' on the loginscreen or in the preferences, I 
> still get text in english. If I fopr example choose 'Deutsch' the 
> text is changed to german.
> What am I missing or doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated!

try using sv_SE and make sure that sv_SE locale is really installed on your 
system: locale -a


AMMMa AG - discover your knowledge
Detmolder Str. 25-33 :: D-33604 Bielefeld
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>From ftrudeau@cam.org Date: Thu,  8 Nov 2001 14:06:13 -0500
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Subject: Re: [dev] New Skin

I would.

Any idea in mind James ?

Frederic Trudeau

[A]dvanced [S]upport [A]gent
Colocation/Customer Support Agent
CAM Internet -> http://www.cam.org

Surlignage James Clark <james@gigmonkey.net>:

> Hi,
> I am new to Horde and IMP and I wanted to know if anyone would be
> interested
> in Developing a new skin or color scheme for the package. Please let me
> know. Thank you.
> James
> james@gigmonkey.net
> -- 
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