[dev] Windows address book dates...

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Sat, 10 Nov 2001 10:12:55 +0100

Zitat von Michael Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:

> Hi Jan..
> Well i'm still having issues with the fact that the dates are stored as
> 64 bit
> values make it very difficult to do any usefull operations on them, ie
> getting
> them from the number of 100ns persiods since some date ages ago to the
> current date.
> But MySQL hangles 64 bit values on (as i understand it) all platforms
> (certianly
> win32)... is there some nice way i can check to see if a mysql server has
> been
> configured for pref or logs or something and if so do the calculations
> via
> queries on that... or do we just hold of importing birthdays and
> anniversary
> dates until i have coded a efficient 64 bit support some other way?

That's a bad idea because it makes importing even more platform dependent 
than it already is right now. 

I think we really don't need ns or even ms perhaps even not seconds. So why 
not reading the timestamp as a string from the addressbook and strip the 
last 3 or 6 digits before converting to an integer? 


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