[dev] password module.

Julian Jares julian@jares.com.ar
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 10:18:02 -0300

Just a thought... why did you do it as an entire module? I have my 
authentication (imap) done via ldap, and I did a small program to change the 
passwords and integrated it in the imp preferences. Is there more functionality 
to the utility as to make it an entire module?


Quoting Mathieu CLABAUT <mathieu.clabaut@free.fr>:

>  Hello, I've integrated a poppasswd utilitie (which was posted  a few
>  week a go on the IMP mailing list) as a Horde module (I guess it
>  eventualy would have to be integrated in the Admin module).
>  Would you be interested in getting the sources ?
> -mat
> -- 
> ___________________________________________________________________________
> Mathieu CLABAUT                            mailto:mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
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