[dev] password module.

Mathieu CLABAUT mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 14:50:31 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Julian Jares wrote:

> Just a thought... why did you do it as an entire module?
 At first, I did it as a small exercise to help me better understand
 the Horde framework ;-)

> I have my authentication (imap) done via ldap, and I did a small
> program to change the passwords and integrated it in the imp
> preferences. Is there more functionality to the utility as to make it
> an entire module?
 I do not know. It basically just ask for login, password and new

 But I really do not know where it must go ? It is Horde dependant (I
 need Horde authentification password to be updated, not just IMP) and
 it is Backend dependant (Here I use imap with system pasword for auth).

 It should be an option of the backend which should provide a "change
 authentification token" API... But how will it be integrated ? Shoul
 there be sub-driver to implement such a service ?

 At last, I think the change password service must be in an Admin

 Let me know if you have some ideas/preferences about it.


ps. It looks like my english is not very idiomatic... I hope it won't
prevent you from making suggestions...

Mathieu CLABAUT                            mailto:mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
DIGINEXT                                     http://mathieu.clabaut.free.fr
45, impasse de la draille, P.A. La Duranne,   tel: 04 42 90 82 91
13857 Aix En Provence - cedex 3               fax: 04 42 90 82 80