Separate message windows...

Chuck Hagenbuch
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 13:55:05 -0500

Moving this to the dev list...

Quoting Jan Schneider <>:

> But how do we want to decide _where_ this point is. In my personal opinion,
> imp is already far away from a "thin" application and I don't see good 
> reasons why to stop adding new options (if in combination with new 
> features) at some point.

IMP isn't "thin", no. But that's not a reason to just happily add in every 
single mod that comes our way - options still need to make _sense_, not create 
incredibly messy code (we haven't seen this one yet), not go against the goals 
of IMP, etc.

This applies somewhat to the SessionCache::deleteObject() method, as well - it 
doesn't really belong in that class, because it doesn't mesh with what that 
class is meant to do. Maybe this means we need a _different_ class for 
abstracting storage of objects which _should_ be held on to, no matter what. It 
doesn't mean we should break the design of the existing class.

> What I also think is that the options screen becomes a bit complex but I 
> already have some ideas how to make a nicer ui (besides moving general 
> options to horde). If I only had more time...

Well, you can share these ideas, implement them yourself... or don't complain 
too much about how things are. :) All of us are short on time; we do what we 


Charles Hagenbuch, <>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin