[dev] Password change in imp

Clabaut Mathieu mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 10:41:30 +0100

Le Dimanche 20 Janvier 2002 00:55, vous avez écrit :
> Clabaut Mathieu wrote:
> >  It's undocumented (except for a few mail on the IMP mailing list)
> > for now, but a README is under the way of being written. Also, Chuck
> > plan is to integrate password changing into the Auth:: api. I think
> > something as to be done there in order to made the module use this
> > API....

> Mathieu, I have no idea what poppasd is.
It is a daemon, which runs on the server assuring authentification, and 
which permits to remotely change system password. As such, it only gives 
changing possibilities. The module based on popassd only works for Horde 
authentification driver which used system token for authentification (It 
is useless for any kind of LDAP or sql auth).

> If it does not provide authentication and only changing possiblities,
> then we might be in a small fix.

 I think chuck imagine a way to parametrize thez Auth:: api for changing 
password with a driver different from the one used (i.e. to use popassd 
even if we use sql or IMAP for auth).

 It must not be a huge change to Auth::, but it as to be done....  I 
don't know if I'll be able to spare some time for it in the following 

Mathieu CLABAUT                            mailto:mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
45, impasse de la draille, P.A. La Duranne,   tel: 04 42 90 82 91   
13857 Aix En Provence - cedex 3               fax: 04 42 90 82 80