[[PEAR-DEV] [Train hacking] HTTP_GET_Validator (fwd)]

Jon Parise jon@horde.org
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 15:05:06 -0500

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Does this look like something we might want to integrate with the
Horde library?

Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Information Technology (2001)
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member

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  'lo there,

  I'm just sitting on a train from CeBIT back home and got bored. While
  beeing bored, I remembered an idea of Thies's he explained to me in
  Brussles. He actually started implementing it there, but never heard of
  him about it since.

  Well, I just hacked some lines of code and came up with a very basic
  solution for the problem of validating HTTP GET parameters.

  With this early version of the code it is possible to

    * allow HTTP GET parameters by name, and just use these allowed

    * validate HTTP GET parameters based on regular expressions

  It should be fairly easy to add support for further validation
  techniques, for instance callbacks to PHP functions that get called
  with the parameter's name and value and return a boolean for whether
  or not this parameter is valid.

  Well, this helped me to pass at least 10 minutes of time of an
  otherwise boring train ride, so it already was worth something ;-)


  Sebastian Bergmann
  http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                 http://phpOpenTracker.de/

  Did I help you? Consider a gift: http://wishlist.sebastian-bergmann.de/

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: HTTP_GET_Validator.php
Type: application/x-unknown-content-type-php_auto_file
Size: 3557 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/e3c9ac75/HTTP_GET_Validator.php

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