Turba Groups

Michael Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:12:14 +0000

Ok, I've been looking at turba/lib/Group.php and a few of the other tubra libs...
Also at Turba.pdf...

Just to make sure I'm on the right track...

So if I wanted to implement groups in Turba
Obviously need to finish Group.php (basically done)
should Turba_Group also have a listMembers() function (returning an array of

And should I also be implementing a Turba_GroupView and Turba_GroupView_List
(List is most obvious, but _Tree would allow nested groups)?

I'll have a play around a bit and see what I come up with. Chuck or Jan or
anyone else, did you have anything specific in mind for the implementation of
the classes?

- Mike

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