[dev] imp "empty trash" modifications

Matthew Dunham dunham@ic.ucsb.edu
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 09:58:46 -0800

Marcus I. Ryan wrote:
 > I looked at doing this a while ago and never really got around to
 > it.  I can take care of it if you don't want to.  If you do want to,
 > then by all means...just offering.

being a newbie to horde hacking, it sounds as though the complexity has
extended beyond what i could tackle in a reasonable amount of time. so
it's all yours if you want it. but if no one else has the time or desire
then i reckon i'll dig in.

|||||||||||  Matthew E. Dunham
|||||  Instructional Computing
||||||||||||  UC Santa Barbara
||||||||||||||||  805 893 7687