[dev] Patch for LDAP Preferences storage

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Tue, 14 May 2002 17:53:20 -0700

Quoting Jon Parise <jon@horde.org>:

| On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 05:02:06PM -0700, Edwin Culp wrote:
| > | Try grabbing revision 1.32 of ldap.php.  That should quiet some of
| > | those warnings.
| > | 
| > | Regardless, it would appear that you haven't updated your LDAP schema
| > | to support the new format.  Have a look at scripts/ldap/horde.schema
| > 
| > Two things here.  First I am pretty sure that I hadn't killed slapd and
| > restarted it the last time around but I know I have now and we now have
| > a schema error in slapd.log
| > 
| > May 14 17:52:51  slapd[45128]: conn=5 op=2 RESULT tag=103 err=17
| > text=hordeprefs: attribute type undefined 
| > 
| > With this solved, I think we should be home free.  Then we will just have
| > the grunt work of converting everyone's preferences. 
| It doesn't look like you're including the horde.schema.  Try adding a
| line like this to slapd.conf:
| include         /var/www/horde/scripts/ldap/horde.schema

It has been there for ages.

| You'll need to restart the slapd process afterward.  Then, add the
| 'hordePerson' objectclass to those users that will be using Horde.

That is it.  The Object Class changed from hordePrefs to hordePerson.
My bad.  I didn't look close enough.  I did the ldapmodify, reset slapd
again just for good measure and was able to log in.  It looks like we
are there.



| > |     $conf['prefs']['params']['field'] = 'hordePrefs';
| > 
| > Hmmm.... here I had 
| > $conf['prefs']['params']['pref_field'] = 'hordePrefs';
| > for some unknown reason but I left them both just in case.:-)
| It should just be ['field'] is correct, not ['pref_field'].
| -- 
| Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Information Technology (2001)
| http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member

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