[dev] Fetch Mail for IMP

Nuno Loureiro nuno@co.eth.pt
22 May 2002 20:11:22 +0100


   After the last series of the old 2.2.x releases, there was a
fetchmail option in IMP in the development series. This was removed, as
far as I understood from chuck, because it relied on a database backend.

   I began to work in a fetch mail option that relies on Horde
Preferences system.

   You can check more about my idea and see some screen shots at
http://hq.eth.pt/nuno/horde/fetchmail/ . It's actually almost
implemented. It's already functional and it needs only some code
cleaning and adjustments.

   I just like to hear opinions and comments about it. Anyone?



Nuno Loureiro <nuno@eth.pt>
Ethernet, Soluções Informáticas, LDA