[dev] cvs help

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 22 May 2002 17:19:47 -0500

Chuck set me up with CVS access for my modules last night.  I imported the
current stable relase into them last night.  I can update them no problem.

But, I want to make branches.  I want to make the current stuff something
like branch RELENG_2 and then make all my new stuff go into a HEAD branch,
and then merge stuff as needed from HEAD to RELENG_2.  Also, when I make
new releases, I'd like to keep that up (e.g. RELENG_3, etc).  I'd also like
to tag within branches (e.g. RELENG_2_0, RELENG_2_1, etc).

I can't get any of that to work (creating tags/branches, merging isn't
an issue since I have nothing to merge yet).  So either:

1) I don't have permissions to make branches.
2) I have no clue what I'm doing.

Could anyone help me?  I'd really like to get this all working...

Eric Rostetter

Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a rabbit from my hat!