[dev] Fetchmail for IMP
Nuno Loureiro
Sun, 26 May 2002 19:12:11 +0100
Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman@ip-solutions.net>:
} Nuno,
} Your patch worked great. However it seems like there is a forgotten "}" in
} Fetchmail.php on line "379". The fetchmail popup window was complaining, I
} added it and all was fine (just thought you'd like to know).
Weird, something had happen then, because there is no missing } in my code..
} It works awesome so far! I've tested from the following mail servers
} without incident: Cyrus-2.1.3, Cyrus-2.0.9, the UW-IMAP with FreeBSD-4.4. I'm
} working on getting an Exchange account setup tommorrow so I'll test that ASAP.
Ok. If something bad happens, bug me :)
Nuno Loureiro <nuno@eth.pt>
Ethernet, Soluções Informáticas, LDA
This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/