[dev] Residual preferences defeating locked prefs

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 00:06:57 +0200

Jan Schneider wrote:

> Zitat von Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:
>>I'm not really concerned  but I am confused.  Lets suppose that I have 
>>10 "power users" that are setting their prefs, I add 20 newbie's that
>>seting and locking their basic prefs for them, will make life beautiful.
>>I now have 10 users that are free and 20 that are locked.  If I'm not 
>>correct, please stop me.  
> Stop. :-) You can't lock only some users but the idea is that you can lock
> all users and set different values for their preferences.

Maybe it will also be a nice feature for power admins to customize how 
much the user can change. (priority -10)

I am sure someone will code it when it will be needed.

best regards

Atif Ghaffar
           +41 78 845 31 64 ¦ tel
     aghaffar@developer.ch  ¦ email
     http://atifghaffar.com ¦ www
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