[dev] new mailing list for account management modules?
Eric Rostetter
Thu, 6 Jun 2002 22:29:42 -0500
Since Chuck seems to be pushing the account management modules I maintain
(passwd, forward, vacation, accounts) into the mainstream Horde web pages,
I think it is time that I ask about having an official Horde mailing list
for them.
I think it would be incredible overkill to have individual lists
though, for several reasons. Changes are often made to several modules
at the same time, since they share a common code base. Also, most people
who use them use more than one. Plus, I don't change them that often,
I don't get too many questions about them, and questions about one often
apply to others. So I was thinking a single mailing list for all of them.
I was thinking naming it for the accounts module would be best. E.g.
accounts@lists.horde.org. But I'm open to other names.
Any one agree, disagree, want to discuss this, etc? Anyone want to set it
Go Redwings! :) (Sorry Chuck)
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
"TAD (Technology Attachment Disorder) is an unshakable, impractical devotion
to a brand, platform, product line, or programming language. It's relatively
harmless among the rank and file, but when management is afflicted the damage
can be measured in dollars. It's also contagious -- someone with sufficient
political clout can infect an entire organization."
--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.