[dev] phpWebLog / Horde framework

Jason Hines jch@eyeintegrated.com
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:21:44 -0400

Someone recently mentioned the idea of porting phpWebLog into the Horde
framework.  (Sorry, I can't remember who it was, but if you're on this
list, please speak up)

Well, after reviewing Horde's documentation and browsing through various
CVS sources, I agree.  phpWebLog is a perfect candidate for such a
port.  Basically, I'd like to work through the design issues, setup a
CVS module, and to help maintain this effort, IF there is such a need.

Would anyone be interested in helping out?  If so, I will get the ball
rolling as my time allows.

I also CC: this message to the Horde folks.  phpWebLog
(http://phpweblog.org) is a a fancy news/weblog system aimed at being as
simple as possible, providing just the functionality you would want in a
weblog, nothing more.

Any response appreciated.