[dev] Delete & Purge
Eric Rostetter
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 09:15:58 -0500
Quoting Federico Giannici <giannici@neomedia.it>:
> Federico Giannici wrote:
> >
> > In my experience, even expert users almost always immediately follow
> > Delete command with Purge.
> I think that the "Delete & Purge" command could be handy for expert
> users too.
I don't find this useful myself. The only two times I follow delete by
purge are:
1) When part of a select-all/delete/purge sequence
2) When the I just deleted the last message (after reading through them all)
> So I propose to always add the command "Delete & Purge" next to the
> "Delete" command in the Mailbox and Message pages.
I would personally hate this clutter on the screen.
> Than we could add a new Preferences option, something as "Simplify
> deletion of messages" or "Immediately Purge deleted messages", or
> something else...
> When this option is active, the only commands available in the mailbox
> view are "Delete | Blacklist". Nothing more...
I'm not against adding such a feature, and changing the links as needed.
> What do you think of it?
I'd vote we keep the default as is, and possibly add an option to allow
delete+purge. Keep in mind for large mailbox delete+purge for each message
will be a high overhead operation in most cases (depending on mailbox
formats, etc).
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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