[dev] more IMP for Windows

Jens Ljungkvist jens@ljungkvist.nu
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 15:41:11 +0200

2002-07-05 15.29, skrev Michael Cochrane på mike@graftonhall.co.nz följande:

> Copy and paste tho whole prefs section from your config file... with anyt=
> security related removed... and what database server are you running?

OK here's the Pres section of horde.php

 ** Preference System Settings

// What preferences driver should we use? Valid values are 'none'
// (meaning use system defaults and don't save any user preferences),
// 'session' (preferences only persist during the login), 'ldap',
// and 'sql'.
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'sql';

// Any parameters that the preferences driver needs. This includes
// database or ldap server, username/password to connect with, etc.
$conf['prefs']['params'] = array();

// This is an example configuration for a MySQL preference backend.
// The SQL script to setup the preference database is placed in
// horde/scripts/db/prefs.sql.
$conf['prefs']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
$conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost:14551';
$conf['prefs']['params']['username'] = 'user';
$conf['prefs']['params']['password'] = 'passwd';
$conf['prefs']['params']['database'] = 'ljungkvist';
$conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'horde_prefs';

// This is an example configuration for an LDAP preference backend.
// The schemas needed for ldap are in horde/scripts/ldap.  For more
// information see sources and comments in horde/lib/Prefs/ldap.php.
//$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'ldap';
//$conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
//$conf['prefs']['params']['port'] = '389';
//$conf['prefs']['params']['basedn'] = 'dc=example,dc=org';
//$conf['prefs']['params']['uid'] = 'mail';
 * The following is valid but would only be necessary if users
 * do NOT have permission to modify their own ldap accounts.
//$conf['prefs']['params']['rootdn'] = 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=org';
//$conf['prefs']['params']['username'] = 'Manager';
//$conf['prefs']['params']['password'] = 'password';

So, there's some problems with the connection of course.
The errors was in my prevous mail.

Jens Ljungkvist
http://resmed.jensochsophia.nu/  <-- Res med oss!!
http://www.wovation.se/jens/     <-- Tradelist
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