[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: turba/docs
CHANGESturba/graphicsmap.gifturba/templates/display display.inc
Eric Rostetter
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 14:21:24 -0500
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
> > Do you think that is not imaginable to modify the Turba DB and break the
> > address field in separate specific fields (address, more address, zip
> > code, city, state, nation)?
> I can see doing it - how many people would kick and scream at such a change?
I'm okay as long as we do it in a locale friendly way. For instance, use
while city is fine everywhere (even those in towns, villages, etc) can
understand it, zip code isn't (Postal code, zip code, nothing, etc). Even
worse is state (province, state, region, nothing, etc). So we need to some
up with some good labels, that are locale friendly. Something like
Street address
postal box
postal code
I think there is an rfc about this stuff, but I don't think it is really
very well localized either.
Otherwise, I like the idea.
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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can be measured in dollars. It's also contagious -- someone with sufficient
political clout can infect an entire organization."
--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.