[dev] PATCH Signature Change Issue.

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 05:51:59 +0100

This patch fixes signature swapping in IMP when there signatures may be
different each time, eg when adding random signatures to emails from a prefs hook.

- Mike :-)

Index: imp/compose.php
RCS file: /httpd/horde/imp/compose.php,v
retrieving revision 2.540
diff -I$Horde -I$Revision -I$Date -u -r2.540 compose.php
--- imp/compose.php	2002/07/31 02:09:35	2.540
+++ imp/compose.php	2002/08/06 04:49:34
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@
                                 $identity->getValue('save_sent_mail', $ident));
-$sig = $identity->getSignature();
+$sig = $identities[$identity->getDefault()][0];
 $sig_first = $identity->getValue('sig_first');
 if ($get_sig) {


This mail sent from Mike's CVS HEAD install of IMP: http://horde.org/imp/