[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: klutz/lib Comic.php klutz/lib/Comic
Chuck Hagenbuch
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 00:11:04 -0400
Quoting "Marcus I. Ryan" <marcus@riboflavin.net>:
> I did it this way mostly because that's how I did it in the PERL
> version. It also feels a little cleaner to me. It feels more natural
> to me to think of sun_url as the sunday URL setting than it does to
> think about $comics['shoe']['overrides']['sunday']['url']...
> Then again, this method puts more burden on the administrator to
> configure it right and thus reduces processing time. *shrug*
> Other opinions on the matter? (user friendly vs. faster)?
Personally, I think it's clearer to use an overrides array, to be explicit
about the fact that you're overriding default behavior. 'sun_url' might be
descriptive in a narrow context, but is pretty vague in a larger context.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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