[dev] Calender Management Bug

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 23:22:25 -0400

Quoting Robin Johnson <robbat2@orbis-terrarum.net>:

> Examining the code, I see two possible solutions:
> 1. (Workaround option) Stop the user from renaming 'My Calender' as well,
> and possibly display little lock icons or disable some of the input boxes
> to properly
> note that those details of the calender cannot be changed.
> 2. (Proper fix) Set things up so any calender can be changed etc.

Actually, there's just an explicit check against it in the management code.
I don't know what the reasoning was behind this, but "fixing" this "bug" is
a matter of simply taking out the check for it...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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