[dev] summary page with non-show modules?
Eric Rostetter
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 13:32:57 -0500
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
> Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>:
> > Thanks! That was it. I found the change in login.inc, but had not
> > looked in login.php.
> Is this something you're interested in committing?
> -chuck
I don't think so. The checks were obviously put there for a reason, and
I think it is a good reason at that. My case just happens to be a bit
different from the norm.
Basically, you ship all the apps in registry.php, but "disabled" via
things like show == false. So they won't get used if not installed, etc.
This seems like a decent way of doing things (no more "uncomment the
entries and hope you don't make any mistakes doing so").
However, I have modules that I use, but don't "show" in the menu bar...
Basically I have a "module" called "news" with a display name of "News &
Information" that shows up on the menu bar. This is the same concept as
my "accounts" module that provides an interface to the various sork
modules. In this case, "news" provides a single icon for troll, jonah,
klutz, etc. So I have news set to show == true, and the others (troll,
jonah, etc) set to show == false. But because of this, jonah (and anything
else with show == flase and an API) wouldn't show up in my summary screen
(which would normally be desired for show == false, just not in my case).
Anyway, my change is simple, just convert:
if ($registry->hasMethod('summary', $app) && $registry->getParam('show',$app)) {
if ($registry->hasMethod('summary', $app)) {
This works for me, but probably wouldn't be good in general. ;)
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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political clout can infect an entire organization."
--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.