[dev] Small patch for horde/templates/prefs/select.inc

Tim Gorter email@teletechnics.com
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:05:38 +0200

Wednesday, September 11, 2002, 6:00:49 PM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

CH> Quoting Tim Gorter <email@teletechnics.com>:

>> I'd like to suggest another option, although I don't know how easy it is
>> to implement. and that is with the active option, but then using a level.
>> This then equating to what privilege a user might have.
>> In other words that in a users table you could have guest = 0 normal user
>> = 1... administrator = 8 etc. and then depending on what level a user might
>> be, equates to what he can, or cannot see / use.

CH> This is what the Perms:: system is for; there's no reason to kludge
CH> something in like this.

okay, then isn't just half of what we need here proper instructions for the
implementation of the Perms:: system, as it seems to me, what one of the
requirements is, that in a horde installation, you have some who should see
(i.e.) chora and some who shouldn't. So you just set up those who should
with permission to see it, and the rest don't. Wouldn't that solve the
issue that i.e. Eric and Jan have?
