[dev] Small patch for horde/templates/prefs/select.inc
Chuck Hagenbuch
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 12:00:49 -0400
Quoting Tim Gorter <email@teletechnics.com>:
> I'd like to suggest another option, although I don't know how easy it is
> to implement. and that is with the active option, but then using a level.
> This then equating to what privilege a user might have.
> In other words that in a users table you could have guest = 0 normal user
> = 1... administrator = 8 etc. and then depending on what level a user might
> be, equates to what he can, or cannot see / use.
This is what the Perms:: system is for; there's no reason to kludge
something in like this.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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