[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: kronolith month.php kronolith/lib Event.php Kronolith.php kronolith/lib/Driver mcal.php sql.php

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 00:42:22 +1200

> ----- Message from chuck@horde.org ---------
> chuck       2002/09/13 21:55:43 PDT
>   Modified files:
>     .                    month.php
>     lib                  Event.php Kronolith.php
>     lib/Driver           mcal.php sql.php
>   Log:
>   Things mostly work again for me; however, there are a bunch of
>   glitches with multiple calendar support: mainly that we only pass
>   event ids around, and we really need to pass the calendar id, too, so
>   that we can make sure to have the right calendar open....
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.36      +4 -4      kronolith/lib/Driver/mcal.php
>   1.60      +7 -2      kronolith/lib/Driver/sql.php
>   1.42      +3 -3      kronolith/lib/Event.php
>   1.69      +93 -87    kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php
>   1.93      +4 -4      kronolith/month.php

The only issue with using the day of the month for the array key is that we can
only deal with a single month at a time. Haven't fully considered if this is a
good or a bad thing. For the month view it's fine.

As you noticed, the code suits the free-busy page... but say if we want to
locate a time available the first monday of every month this year.. things like
that where we span multiple months it may be an issue.

Just a random thought....

- Mike :-)