[dev] Mailman list management module anyone?

marcus@riboflavin.net marcus@riboflavin.net
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 10:36:59 -0500

I would LOVE to have a horde module to let users manage mailman-based
mailing lists, but I know squat about Python.  Before I decide to
start learning it, is there anyone that write Python and knows a
little bit about Mailman that would like to help rewrite some of the
list management tools as a Horde Module?  I won't have time for
months, but would anyone else be interested in such a thing
eventually?  I don't really like the idea of having to completely
rewrite the list manager for Horde, but I would like to have something
like Yahoo! Lists...

(No sig today...running from a test environment :) )